Friday, November 27, 2009

In Microsoft excel is there any way to save just one worksheet from a template with several workshee

Yes, of course you can. there are two ways to do it,

first one to start working on the template and then add new several sheets, and to insert those sheets you can use the right click of the mouse and select from the list you have insert new worksheet. or go to insert menu and select the same option.

the second way is to finish the work on the template as a separate file from the other sheets and then use copy worksheet( which mean you can merge different worksheets from different files in one file) and the way to do this copy thing is as follow:

1. One right click on the tap name then you have a list.

2. Select the option ( move or copy)

3. A window will come up.

4. Tick the copy option.

5. Then select the destination file ( the file you want to mix

all mentioned worksheets together)

I hope this will help

In Microsoft excel is there any way to save just one worksheet from a template with several worksheets?windows vista ultimate

Right click the tab for the sheet and choose move or copy. when the box comes up choose to put in a new book. then just save the new book as what you want....

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