Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft Word - Unwanted indentation of Headings 1 and 2?

Somehow each of the Headings 1 and 2 are indented 0.06” and 0.08”, respectively in the text. This has something to do with the template I use, because every Heading 1 and 2 is indented in all four books I have on the I-drive. I checked the style and there is no indentation. I can change the headings back to Heading 1 or 2 without indent, but that is very labor intensive.

Microsoft Word - Unwanted indentation of Headings 1 and 2?internet browser

I don't know what version you're using, but this works for Word 2007:

Make sure the Home tab is displaying on the ribbon, so you can see the Styles section. Remove the indent from an affected Heading 1 paragraph. The Heading 1 style should be highlighted on the ribbon. Then right-click on the style and select "Update Heading 1 to Match Selection". This should update all other paragraphs in the Heading 1 style to remove the indent. Repeat for Heading 2.

Microsoft Word - Unwanted indentation of Headings 1 and 2?windows media center internet explorer

This should work with Word XP (2002) and adjacent versions.

1.Click in one of the "bad" headings.

2.Click on the Format-%26gt;Styles and Formatting menu item.

3.In the bottom part of the sidebar that pops up, the style for your paragraph should have a bold box around it.

4.Hover the cursor over the style. A listbox arrow should appear. Click it.

5.Select Delete from the list box.

6.OK out of everything.

If Word's actually smart enough, it will consolidate the "bad" heading style with the normal one. If the above doesn't work, do an Undo to get the bad style back, then try modifying its indentation characteristics instead of deleting it.

Hope that helps.

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