Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft Office word 2003 (Changing The language)?

The language is set to welsh evey time I tried to change to UK English, welsh comes back again .

The following thing I have already tried Tools%26gt;Language%26gt;set language%26gt;English Uk%26gt;Default%26gt;Yes

but it doesn't work and welsh come back .

I tried the the following suggestion as well but its not saving the file and error message appears which states

"The word cannot give a document the same name as an open document.....

"The language settings might be overwritten by the

Create an empty document

Change language settings

and save it by using: "Save as" - Save as type: "Document Template" - File name: "Normal.Dot"

help required Thanks

Microsoft Office word 2003 (Changing The language)?windows mobile 6

Save as

Close all programs

search for

after you find them, rename them normal3.old

search for

change name to

copy and paste it everyplace the original one was.


Change the default language setting

Applies to: Microsoft Office Access 2003, Excel 2003, FrontPage 2003, InfoPath 2003, OneNote 2003, Outlook 2003, PowerPoint 2003, Word 2003

You can change your default settings in Microsoft Office to have them match the default settings of a different language.

In Microsoft Windows XP, on the Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings.

In Windows 2000, on the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office 2003 Language Settings

Click the Enabled Languages tab.

In the Choose the language that defines default behavior in Microsoft Office applications box, select the language you want, and then click OK.

A message appears describing the effects of the change. To continue, click Continue and lose customizations.


Rather than reading all of the rest of this, which is not everything anyway, go to the link and print it out. Use the WIZARD or the REGISTRY.

You can also get rid of languages you do not use, I only posted the link for that.

To customize language settings in a transform

Start the Custom Installation Wizard

On the Change Office User Settings page, expand the tree under Microsoft Office (user).

Under Language Settings, configure the settings you want to customize.

For example, to specify a different installation language, click Enabled Languages, double-click Installed version of Microsoft Office, and select a new language from the list.

Customizing Office Language Settings

The first time a Microsoft? Office 2003 application starts up, Office 2003 applies default language settings that match the language version of Office that you have installed on the computer and the language of the operating system.

Four primary language settings affect the way users work with Office:

Installation language

Default language for Office applications and documents

User interface language

Language used to display menus and dialog boxes

Help language

Language used in Help

Editing languages

Functionality required to edit documents in various languages

Language settings in the Windows registry

The first time any Office application runs after Office 2003 is installed, Office creates the following subkey in the Microsoft Windows registry:


In the LanguageResources subkey, Office creates the entry InstallLanguage and sets its value to the locale ID (LCID) of the installation language of Office, which is based on the system locale of the operating system. InstallLanguage and the other value entries in the LanguageResources subkey determine default language-related behavior in all Office 2003 applications.

For example:

Microsoft Word looks for LCID entries and turns on language auto-detection features for all languages that are enabled for editing.

Word checks the InstallLanguage value entry to determine what language to use for the initial file. Microsoft Office Outlook? 2003 checks the same setting to set the default spelling checker.

Word checks the UILanguage value entry to determine what language of user interface to display.

Methods of customizing language settings

You can configure language settings on users' computer by using one of the following methods:

Use the Custom Installation Wizard to set language setting defaults in a transform (MST file), which is applied when you install the Office package (MSI file).

Use the Microsoft Office Language Settings utility to specify settings on a test computer and then capture those settings in an Office profile settings file (OPS file) by using the Office Profile Wizard. You can add the OPS file to the transform or run the Office Profile Wizard separately on users' computers after Office is installed.

Use the Group Policy snap-in to set policies that manage language settings on users' computers.

Specify settings in a transform

You customize most language settings on the Change Office User Settings page of the Custom Installation Wizard. These settings are applied when Office is installed and before users start up any applications.

Microsoft Office word 2003 (Changing The language)?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

First, try to add languages you need through "Control Panel", then look on your status bar about displaying the language format. It should show the language you're using to create a document.

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