Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft Word Question?

I'm trying to fill out this template that was sent to me, and I have to type along the pre-set lines that are given.

However, as I am trying to copy and paste the text onto those lines, instead of the text being placed on those lines, the text is being placed in the document but the lines are being pushed down so that the document goes to a second page.

How can I get the text to be placed on each line without having to manually type it all.

Also, if that is not possible, how can I deleted the blank lines that are being pushed down so that I can bring the document back to one page. I tried to delete the lines, but I couldn't.


Microsoft Word Question?microsoft publisher

Go ahead and paste the text that you need to paste.

Highlight that text and hit CTRL+U (which underlines everything highlighted)

Then select (highlight) the other lines that were pushed down and just hit the DELETE button.

That's all :)

Microsoft Word Question?microsoft live internet explorer

Instead of pasting, which does so with formatting, try using Edit -%26gt; Past Special, and select "Plain Text".

If that still doesn't work, that you're doing is putting in more text than can fit in the layout box. Select the text you just imported, and try lowering the font size. Rememeber, if a paste screws anything up, you can always undo it and try something else, like lowering the font size before you paste, and pasting in less info to see if that fits.
th epage was setup using the simple text input and wasn't actually created as a form, so the areas you are trying to copy and paste into are setup to be typed in, and the lines would move anyways as the spacing and lines are already there. You should still be able to copy and paste but then you have to backspace and delete any other space around what you pasted so its going to be easier to type it. at least then you should see that the lines are moving as you type and really need to be cleared before typing or adjusted so when you type it keeps the aspect of the page the same.
When trying to paste, go to Edit, select Paste Special and choose paste as unfomatted text.

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