Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft word help?

i need to type and print out about 60 pages of labels for my uncles company. i started typing yesterday, however, i can't have more than one page per document.

in other words, when im done typing a page worth of labels, i have to save, and start a new document. i am not allowed to press enter and add another page to my document. when im dont typing, i dont want to have to open 60 documents and print them out one by one.

is there anyway i can add pages to my label template?

Microsoft word help?windows media center

You really should use Mail Merge. It will get rid of your problem, it's more flexible; and you can often edit and reuse the list of addresses.

Usually, this is done by creating a mailing list in Excel and using Word's Mail Merge feature to print the labels. Far too much to go through here, so I'll just give a few tips:

1.For the most flexibility with the mail merge fields in Word, keep first and last names in separate cells. Ditto for the parts of the address (street address, city, state, zip).

2.Word's Mail Merge can be found in the Tools-%26gt;Letters and Mailings menu item.

3.Before wasting pages of labels, run tests on regular paper and hold the sheets up against the labels to check the layout.

4.Don't leave the setting up to the last minute. Mail Merge can be frustrating and take more time to set up than one would think.

5.For test runs, use only enough names to be sure you're not losing any -- a little over a page should do. Skipping every other name is really easy to do.

Keep a sense of humor while you're wrestling with it.

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