Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft Trial Version Expired. Don't want to remove yet, but want 2003 to be my default.?

When I try to open a powerpoint or download a template, even if it is for 2003 it keeps opening it into 2007. I have purchased the CD's for 2007 but misplaced them in my house somewhere, so I do not want to remove it.

Microsoft Trial Version Expired. Don't want to remove yet, but want 2003 to be my default.?replacement windows

not sure if u can install older version when there is newer one exist in ur pc. if u can, just right click on the file, open with, choose microsoft word 2003, check default, and ok

Microsoft Trial Version Expired. Don't want to remove yet, but want 2003 to be my default.?windows mail internet explorer

Sorry, it doesn't work like that if you had an older version and you downloaded a trial or newer version it will overwrite and update the older version. Then you are stuck and can't go backwards. It forces users to buy the new version.

The only way to get the older version back is to UnInstall both and then you will need to remove all traces in the registry and then and only then can you downlaod the older version from the cd.


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