Friday, November 20, 2009

Microsoft Office 2007 starts up SSSLOOOW?

So my laptop just got optimized by Best Buys' Geek Squad and now Word is starting slow. It takes about 3 minutes to fully boot up. I found somewhere online that it could be the template and deleted it, which will get it to boot up fine but when I try again after that it's back to slowsville. Anyone have any ideas?

Microsoft Office 2007 starts up SSSLOOOW?windows installer

You paid for them to upgrade this, it sounds like they didn't even bother testing to see if its booting up right. Take it back and tell them its taking a lot longer to boot up now, than when it did when you first brought in it for service. I've got a desktop, and that's about the same time it takes for mine to boot up from a cold start. Maybe 3 minutes is normal. Here's a discussion link where someone experienced similar problems as you.

Microsoft Office 2007 starts up SSSLOOOW?microsoft vista internet explorer

Sounds like your computer is suffering from MSBS [Microsoft Bloatware Syndrome].

Developers at Microsoft are obsessed with making stuff look pretty but I'm guessing they learnt coding before computers were invented because they either have no idea about streamlined coding - or the couldn't be bothered to buy an eraser to rub out all the uneccesary bits.

I'd recommend trying OpenOffice. it's user friendly and compatible with most formats [although I'm not sure about the 2007 docx, etc].

Most importantly it's 100% free [%26amp; legal] as are any future updated versions.

I'd recommend checking out "open source software"on wikipedia - I believe there's a link to a list. There's a ton of free software out there which in many cases performs better than the commercial equivalent.

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