Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Microsoft Excel Question?

What directory are the default MS Excel stored in? I want to download some templates and put them where the other ones are.

Microsoft Excel Question?download windows xp

This is the default location for Excel templates. Unless you have changed something on your computer, every template should be here:

C:\Documents and Settings\%26lt;%26lt;USER%26gt;%26gt;\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates

I recommend never changing this directory. It is there for a reason. These are made available when Excel starts. Unless you know how to program you computer to put them elsewhere, you will not be able to access them.

Note: Your personal Word templates are also stored here.

Microsoft Excel Question?ies internet explorer

When you download the templates, they'll go by default to temp files. If you want to add them to Excel, you'll need to save them in a specially designated file that'd be resident there. Each computer has a different setting, so only a Professional who comes over to your comp can figure it out for you. It can't be remotely done.

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