Friday, November 20, 2009

Does anybody know anything about Microsoft Word Forms?

I am trying to create a Form that will allow me to choose where the cursor will be when I open it. For example, on a fax template that I have created, I want to be able to enter in the fax message first (which is half way down the page) before entering anything else above it. So I would like the cursor to be sitting where the message is going to be entered when I FIRST open the template. Could anybody tell me how to do this please? Appreciate any feedback on this, thanks heaps.

Does anybody know anything about Microsoft Word Forms?microsoft live

well a form is not possible however a templtae would help you in this case create a template and adjust the header and footer of the page so that the coursor wwould begin from a desired place instead of beggining from the startign page


Does anybody know anything about Microsoft Word Forms?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

read here about that:

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